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Sunday 23 June 2013

Photo, with the Kids, Keysar Trad's book launch at Gleebooks, Newtown, Sydney 2013.

This is at the book launch for a book I published in the early days of A Sense of Place Publishing, Keysar Trad's Forays of the Heart. Keysar is one of Australia's best known Muslim spokesman. 
Throughout his career he has been controversial. The book was a collection of love poems to women other than his wife. He is a great supporter of polygamy. The book was launched by Philip Ruddock, former Attorney General.
My favourite piece of controversy was this one: In 1995 he said, "The criminal dregs of white society colonised this country and...the descendents of these criminal dregs tell us that they are better than us."
It caused a furore, particularly on talk back radio. He spent a year apologising. I think I helped him put it in perspective by just laughing about it. I thought it was hysterical.
I was a kind of unofficial mentor to his daughter Sanna at The Australian, after she won an internship and he asked me to take care of her as best I could. Like many parents, and particularly as a traditional Muslim, he was very worried she was becoming all too enamoured of a rock and roll lifestyle.
News floors are extremely treacherous places at the best of times and I was happy to help. I spokes at her farewell. Being young, the daughter of one of the most controversial figures in the country, and the only Muslim woman on the floor could not have been easy. But she was very plucky, made no special pleading and I was very fond of her as a person.
I asked my daughter Henrietta, pictured here, to dress modestly for the event. This was her idea of modesty. Keysar didn't seem to mind, and got her to read out a poem at the event.