Orwell's prophecy in 1984 was correct. The West had entered a state of perpetual war. It used up the disposable goods that capitalism was so good at producing, and kept the citizenry on the edge of poverty, therefore more malleable.
The object of waging a war is always to be in a better position in which to wage another war. By their labour the slave populations allow the tempo of continuous warfare to be speeded up. The primary aim of modern warfare ... is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living.
The problem is how to keep the wheels of industry turning without increasing the real wealth of the world. Goods must be produced, but they must not be distributed. And in practice the only way of achieving this was by continuous warfare.
The essential act of war destruction, not necessarily of human life, but of the products of human labour.
War is a way of shattering into pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depth of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent. George Orwell, 1984.
It was always at the perimeter, at the border of vision, where the flames burnt most strongly.
The jihadists' bodies rotted where they fell.
The city of Mosul had been reduced to rubble.
The war on "the death cult", as Australia's terror rattler former Prime Minister Tony Abbott so repeatedly called Islamic State, were facing defeat in their final enclaves in Mosul and Syria.
Abbott's constant recitation of the term "death cult" was a striking, counter-intuitive call to arms.
The Jihadis and the Jesuits. Out behind the back fence. Remaking the world for the coming of their God. If Old Alex hadn't know better, it would have sounded like just another lunatic conspiracy theory.
While the pampered poodles of the media, as blinkered and as contemptuous of the general public as the public administration's mandarins, begged off, ran their flickering, piffling, manipulative little social justice campaigns, occupying a public space which had once been full of thinkers.
The Islamic State warriors would be slaughtered where they fell.
They had already been slaughtered in their thousands.
Every last one of them was sacrificing their life for God, gifting their souls to Allah.
While the Killers in High places, those who pressed the buttons, administered the policies, peddled their lies to the public through press conferences, attended yet another publicly funded academic conference, in the evenings dining with their equally pampered, self assured colleagues in the muffled dignity of expensive restaurants.
They had spent much of their lives gossiping about office intrigue as they devoted entire careers to ladder climbing, all funded by the inconvenient peasants, the taxpayers. And in that regard, the preening self-importance of academics, nothing had changed.
When there was a real story, when there was genuine injustice, they looked the other way.
In the highly manipulated "war on terror", billions of dollars had just disappeared in the ongoing, relentless bombing campaigns.
The jihadists, master strategists, master propagandists, who had proved their social media mastery to the astonishment only of the authorities, had played the West for fools.
Time and again.
The ultra-violence did cut through.
It did attract recruits.
The most recent research showed that it was the violence, not the ideology, which was the most significant driver of recruits.
There could be no greater violence than that perpetuated on the Sunni Muslims of Mosul by America and its ally Australia.
The images and footage from what was left of the ancient city of Nineveh showed them streaming from the ruins of the city in states beyond distress, like rats blasted out of their holes.
Except these were not rats. They were men, women, children, the frail, the elderly, the citizenry of a once functioning city.
"They are the most highly traumatised population I have ever interviewed," said one human rights worker Old Alex interviewed for a story.
"My five children are dead, Allah is the only God," cried one shell shocked woman as she staggered across the front line into what the West was trying to portray as "safety".
The "liberation" of Mosul was only the last in a line of catastrophic wars perpetuated on sovereign nations by The Great Satan, a travesty to which Australia was full signatory.
The stain of these deeds, these deaths, would reverberate in consequence for years to come.
The Americans, and along with them their subordinate acolytes the Australians, were already deeply hated, deeply divisive across the Middle East.
Now their legacy of blood would not only play out down the decades as the traumatised citizens of Mosul grieved over the murders of their lost children, but in the galvanising of jihad sentiment worldwide.
The winds of jihad were building in not-so-invisible realms, just as the masters of jihad had intended, a ghostly, ghastly wall of power and dust and desert sand and ancient, angry gods beyond imagination, blowing, just as the jihadis had intended, through the the spiritual vacuum that was the West.
As for the media, the main story of the day, leading bulletins and front pages, was the saber rattling between the US and North Korea.
The old line, "the body wasn't even cold", barely touched on this giant, theatrical, although that was not the right word, surreal, wrenching, disgraceful, traumatic, utterly disturbing, tragic flow of events from which the world could not now, not ever, step back.
For the West, there was no way to recover their moral standing in the world. For the massacred citizens of Mosul and soldiers on all sides, there was only Paradise.
Equally, the Saudis have poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Australia's mosques:
As a member of the Coalition, Australia is in military alliance with Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi funding of “extremism” throughout the West is no secret. The UK has become a model country for colossal cover-ups: first there was the mass rape of young girls by Muslim grooming gangs and the facilitation of abuse of women in its sharia courts, and now there is the Henry Jackson Society report below about the Wahhabi ideology being exported to Britain (and throughout the West) by Saudi Arabia, and covered up by Theresa May.
Theresa May has long kowtowed to Muslims — not only to Saudi Arabia — much like other Western leaders, all in the name of “diversity” and “multiculturalism.” To challenge Islamic supremacism and the jihad ideology would render them “Islamophobic” and “racist,” terms they are afraid of to the extent of being willing to betray their nation’s democratic traditions in order to avoid being tagged with them.
An extensive new report has drawn a link between recent terror attacks and the foreign funding of UK mosques, mainly coming from Saudi Arabia, which “is heavily involved in exporting an illiberal, bigoted Wahhabi ideology.”
The document also slams the Prime Minister Theresa May, who visited Saudi Arabia earlier this year, for “kowtowing” to Saudi Arabia by “suppressing” a government report into the funding of extremism in the UK. Last month she was accused of a “cover-up”
![Image result for mosul](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/01/25/world/middleeast/26MOSUL-SS-slide-114O/26MOSUL-SS-slide-114O-superJumbo.jpg)
MOSUL, Iraq — An Iraqi intelligence officer who supervises a screening center in Mosul says that over the past week between 1,500 and 2,000 people fleeing Islamic State held territory pass through his position each day.
Col. Khalid Jaburi says those suspected of having ties with IS are held in an abandoned amusement park next door to an abandoned hotel in the city's east.
The United Nations says the number of people fleeing is between 2,000 and 3,500 each day.
Iraqi forces are closing in on the last pockets of IS control in Mosul's Old City neighborhood, an area less than one square kilometer (one square mile).
The fight to retake Mosul has lasted nearly nine months and displaced more than 897,000 people, according to the U.N.
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